2nd Amendment: Shall not be INFRINGED...
Once this Constitutional Amendment is gone, say GOOD-BYE to all you Rights.
2nd Amendment: Shall not be INFRINGED...Once this Constitutional Amendment is gone, say GOOD-BYE to all you Rights.
05/31/22 By: K. L. C. Founder & Chief - FEN
#SecondAmendment #2ndAmendment #2A #Freedom #Liberty #Constitution #BillOfRights
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment is to protect all others and to protect life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, and ownership of property. The amendment is not just for hunting purposes. Hunting was first nature to the Colonist of the time because if they did not hunt or fish, and farm they died. The Military and Law Enforcement is not to protect We the People but to protect us from the government (Elected, Appointed, and Employed). The long history of one political party, the Democrat Party being anti-Second Amendment is so long I cannot listed the years, months, and Treasonous and Seditious language used by that political party.
The Constitution Read (AUDIO)
Our Forefather and Founding Fathers knew the cost of Freedom and Liberty. Without firearms they’d not have written the second most precious documents on the face of this planet Earth; The Declaration of Independence and our Constitution - Bill of Rights. Even the Pastors back then knew the cost of Freedom and Liberty unlike today’s Ministers and Clergy who have become Political Pawns of the Government via I.R.S. 501 (c)(3) Tax Exemption and that has lead to the Federal Emergency Management Administration’s [CLERGY RESPONSE TEAM]. It has broadened to include the Roman Catholic Church and The Vatican-Papacy with the current Liberal Pope, Francis.
The Black Robed Regimen of the Colony Era garnered weaponry and prepped for times of need. When the British decided upon violent means to subdue the Colony under control the brave Ministers took up arms in order to protect the communities to which they were leaders of. If you were at least 17 years of age you were on the front-lines of the battle for Freedom and Liberty. Those young men learn to be brave and courageous at an early age. Thanks to these brave Ministers our 1st Amendment lives on (even though it’s been attacked on all fronts).
Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment | Dan Fisher
Now we still have the same Tyrants attempting to disarm and to eliminate all who oppose them. Even the Tyrannical Movement has gone International with the United Nations and their Disarmament Agendas.
UN Secretary-General: An Agenda for Disarmament - Securing our Common Future (Full)
People don’t even know the history about how our National Anthem came about and most don’t care. Only if people, Americans knew the real true struggle and fight for Freedom and Liberty, they would not be Anti-Second Amendment.
If we love and bear truth faith in the love we have for Freedom and Liberty we must fight against those who have no appreciation for Freedom and Liberty. Our cause should always be Freedom and Liberty and most of all for God in order to Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
”Against all enemies both foreign and Domestic, So Help Me God”.
2nd Amendment: Shall not be INFRINGED...Once this Constitutional Amendment is gone, say GOOD-BYE to all you Rights.
05/31/22 By: K. L. C. Founder & Chief - FEN
#SecondAmendment #2ndAmendment #2A #Freedom #Liberty #Constitution #BillOfRights