MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN 2025 Free Eagle Network
As 2024 drew to a close and the national elections were behind us a vast majority of the nation of countrymen and women breathed a sigh of relief knowing that our beloved America would once agan be in safer, better hand with President, Donald John Trump.
Now that 2025 has dawned and the sun is rising on not only a new year but a newer time in our nation’s history.
From 2020 our nation, our fellow countrymen and women, and our children have been through a tremendous amount of grief, loss, and hardship. Under the out-going administration of Biden freedoms and liberties were threatened by individuals at the highest levels of the federal government. We endured all of it. We persevered like warriors on the battlefield.
Covid, the hoax of all hoaxes perpetuated upon not only America but the whole world gave us deeper insight into both the pharmaceutical and medical side of health care. From hospitals to schools, to businesses, and other places of work we found out just how little effort it takes for people to be influenced and swayed into compliance. Even the religious side of things, were there was clear discrimination in houses of worship. Segregated areas for the unvaccinated and vaccinated.
The whole DEI Diversity Equity & Inclusion riding with the whole militant LGBTQ Agenda really got people fired up. Some went along to get along compromising their core principles of ethics and morality. The Democrat Party really tried to push hard upon the majority their worldview and agenda.
The Border is not the only area where Human Trafficking exist but it did shed light on the entire judicial systems utter failure to control things. It also made people research and really find out how evil both the government and the black market cartel really are. When almost 100 Million children go missing in a single decade, HOUSTON WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM. The Border Crisis leading the charge, it also led to expose the CPS-Foster Care System as well. It expose how corrupt Familyt Courts in every State are.
The American Education system form K-12 both public and private to colleges and universities worldwide, not just here at home have failed miserably. The vitriol spewed at groups like the Jews and Christians on campuses reached an all-time high. When you have Marxist running things this is what you get in return.
On the world stage with wars, rumors of wars happening on the daily. The fear machine really was and still is working overtime and in overdrive to stir up more conflicts around the world. From Russia-Ukraine to the straights between China and Russia, to the threats from Iran, to Israel and the Islamic Terrorist regime of Hamas and Hezbollah, even down in Argentina where a Dictator continues his reign of terror upon the people. The war machine drives on. Without strong American Leadership, the world descends into literal chaos so much that organizations like NATO and the UN run amuck creating more problems than they provide real solutions.
Our 45th, soon to be 47th President of the United States of America, Donald John Trump had enemies on all sides. This past year in 2024 leading up to the election he was threatened by a a deranged individual in Pennsylvania. His legal battles under Marxist Lawfare were not the type that any of us avarge ordinary people could ever stamina through. Most of us would have copped a plea deal in the 5th inning.
With the 2024 Election behind us and just under a week to go until President Trump is once again sworn in as The President of the United States of America, the wait is finally over. With the hand over of the Senate the higher house of Congress from the divested of power Democrats we now gain a direct line avenue to getting things done politically.
The nominations of certain people to certain departments and agencies also allow for much needed drastic changes to ensure domestically that freedoms and liberties will be protected. The FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation will be the largest overhaul our nation has had since its inception. The DOJ Department of Justice will have the second biggest change. The threats of Lawfare form rogue lawyers and attorneys within will be addressed.

The Border and Border Patrol along with the Department of Homeland Security will have strong determined leadership to which has been missing. Mass deportations will indeed happen. This action will free up America of all free-loading Illegal Aliens. THe only prayer that is needed is that the millions that have gone missing as a result of human trafficking will be resolved and those people, mainly children will be found.
FEMA and their total inept response to multiple hurricanes and other natural disasters will be addressed under President Trump. Unlike Biden, Trump will actually care for people struggling to make it and survive. No more funds to Ukraine.
Exposure of corruption will be made manifest in real investigations and real hearings that will result in true history being written and the lies that we’ve been told exposed. Some individuals will not like it and be shaken.
With President Trump back in The White House, the place will be more presidential in nature. Dignity of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW will indeed return. Our national presence on the world stage will be one of strength-filled determination and resolve. No longer we will be perceived as weak. Respect for the Office of the Presidency will once again will be restored.
The ecumenic changes coming will result in a much brighter future financially not just for the Haves but more so for the Have Nots. Tax overhauls are indeed coming that will be a huge gift of relief for a vast majority struggling to make ends meet. Manufacturing will be on the road to returning so we can make Made in America once again great.
On January 20th at high noon before the world, there will be a change in direction and righting of the course to put us on a trajectory of Freedom and Liberty. The 47th President of these United States of America, Donald John Trump will mark a victory for our future Posterity.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN 2025 Free Eagle Network
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