FEMA: Clergy Response Teams
F.E.M.A. CAMPS & ROMANS CHAPTER 13 VERSE 1 PERVERSION: They say, They'll never come for our guns"...WELL, THEY HAVE ALREADY [UPDATED 6/12/22] READ MORE TO FIND OUT.
State Controlled Churches: The 501c3 Deception
The authorities that exist have been established by God." (Romans 13:1, New International Version) 3 According to Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show, "an estimated 28,000 pastors were recruited by FEMA/DHS, as part of the Clergy Response Team, and . . . their initial and primary training was to tell their flock to obey DHS/FEMA.
Engaging Faith-based and Community Organizations - FEMA PDF
Volunteers with the Missouri Lutheran Church Disaster Response team help survivors clean up after a deadly tornado. Volunteers provided much needed personal services and were important FEMA partners in disaster recovery. Photo by George Armstrong/FEMA Engaging Faith-based and Community Organizations 3
F.E.M.A. Pastors Invoke Romans 13: During Hurricane Katrina 2005
Caddo Parish Chaplin, Rev. Tuberville invokes a perversion of Romans Chapter 13 Verse 1 implying that we are to temporarily give up our God Given Constitutional Rights and also implies that we can somehow re-gain those Rights back once we surrender to a government. NOTE: There is no amount of negotiations will ever make that happen. This is the stupidity that has captured the American Christian Church. Then at the very end of the segment; the local television anchor-woman mentions in reference to F.E.M.A. ‘and at Eight Different Camps’.
Firearms Confiscation in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina:\
In 2005 During the aftermath of then, the largest & most powerful Hurricane to ever make landfall on the U.S. Mainland (AUGUST 29TH) the largest Criminal Treason & Sedition against our Constitution & Bill of Rights by the following; N.O.P.D. New Orleans Police Department, Orleans Parish Sheriffs Department, surrounding Parish Law Enforcement and the Federal Government (multiplicity of agencies and departments). For many decades people have said, “They’ll never come for our Guns”. Well, the did in 2005. Elderly, Women, Veterans alike were all treated like Convicted Criminals in their own homes. The blatant self-inflicted ignorance of Americans is overwhelming. Blind trust in all of government is repulsive. The the arrogance of those in government (ALL) is disgustingly abhorrent. A very slim minority did get their firearms back but the majority did not. Those UNLAWFULLY confiscated firearms were dissembled and melted down. Some were even old historical relics passed down from many generations.
Pastor Spills Beans on F.E.M.A. Clergy Response Team | Social Distancing Discussed in 2006
T. D. Jakes: The Potter's House Trains Congregation to Take ... - F.E.M.A.
TV Station Reporter Jeff Ferrell on KSLA - Shreveport, LA said "these clergy response teams had already been used when hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans." Emergency Preparedness Director Sandy Davis explained to KSLA that the Clergy would already be known to people in the neighborhoods and they could explain the need to follow orders.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin Clergy Response team Martial Law with Luca Zanna
A Clergy Response Team Insider Reveals the Duties of a Pastor Inside of a F.E.M.A.Camp
Ad Seeking 'Mercy Teams For National Scale Emergency' On Christian Radio - False Shepherds Leading Their Flocks To Slaughter? This Is What We're Not Being Told
Pastors to Help DHS in Arrest and Detention of Americans in F.E.M.A. Camps
The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges
The fact that F.E.M.A. has recruited up to an estimated 28,000 pastors, as a low end estimate, to as many as 100,000 pastors, as a high end estimate, in order to form the clergy response team is very disturbing, not to mention frightening.