DEFEND THE CHILDREN, Get in the Fight.

Protecting Children at our Border to Protecting Our Children here at home.

Protecting Children at our Border to Protecting Our Children here at home. This campaign is all about helping Save Children. Please help. Deadline: 12-4-23
94 copy/pastes, & you can do it from the couch. The clock is ticking!

We got 3,715 more comments in the past 24 hours! 21,429 comments total so far!

DEFEND THE CHILDRENā€¦ Click the link button below to get involved and engaged.


If you donā€™t believe Human Trafficking is a ā€˜thingā€™ then please read the Official Publication by our own United States State Department below. PDF Link is provided for full reading.

Human Trafficking is global. Human Trafficking happens in every single Nation upon this Earth. Human Trafficking happens with every single religion-faith under the guise of Humanitarianism and Charity. Human Trafficking happens in every single Culture-Ethnos. Abuse of Women and Children is a Global Pandemic. Both Adult Men and Adult Women of all kinds engage in Human Trafficking. Human Trafficking happens with all levels of the Judicial Branch of every single Government upon the face of this Earth. Human Trafficking is the lifeblood of the Money Laundering Schemes that keeps the Criminal Act of Espionage going. Human Trafficking has happened since the dawn of time when Men sought after power and control thus giving themselves over to a reprobate mind and a evil heart thus corruption of their souls. HUMAN TRAFFICKINIG IS NOT JUST AN AMERICAN "THING", IT'S A GLOBAL "THING".

2019 Trafficking In Persons Report
15.8MB āˆ™ PDF file

If you missed the great Livestream Podcast with 'Patriots Helping Patriots Network' & Tomoko featuring Guest: Tara Rodas & Aaron Stevenson you can watch it on Rumble.


#EndHumanTrafficking #EndChildExploitation #ArrestHUmanTraffickers #SaveOurChildren #SOC #DefendTheChildren

Please support us if you so desire. All help is greatly appreciated. The following two linked buttons are ways in which you can pledge your support.



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